Christmas is a magical time for children. Songs and stories are so much a part of the Christmas rituals.
One Christmas, the kids were doing their usual concert performance for the enraptured, doting family. One of our children decided to create his own song as a special treat for us all called "The Christmas Dog Song".
He proceeded to sing to the tune of "Oh, Christmas Tree" or the German song "O Tannenbaum". His lyrics were simple. "Oh, Christmas Dog, Oh Christmas Dog, Oh Christmas dog, Oh Christmas dog, Oh Christmas dog, Oh Christmas dog, Oh Christmas dog, ........and on and on and on!! We kept clapping to indicate the end of his lovely rendition but he hadn't finished!! Finally he indictated the end of his performance by bowing and we really cheered then :)
The Christmas Dog song became legendary in our family. Somehow, we seem to forget to remind our son on Christmas day to give us a reprisal of his loved creation. But we all remember the words!
So a merry, magical and memorable Christmas to you all and don't forget the Christmas dog song! :)

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