Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Getting Ready to Read is Fun

Starting big school for 4 and a half to 5 year olds can be quite daunting.  Parents are often anxious about whether their child is 'school ready'.
Personally I think that if your child can sit and be an active listener as well as a talker (they are all pretty good at that) they will start learning straight away.

Talking and listening at home, in the car, at the shops, during play times are all good preparation for the amount of listening and talking that children need to do at school.  Taking turns at talking is really important for your child to be able to do.

So, start playing talking and listening games before they go to school.  Play "I spy with my little eye something beginning with....".  Play with Nursery Rhymes and get them to finish the rhyme for you.  Make up new and silly endings to well known Nursery rhymes or Fairy tales.  Say your names backwards (Benjamin becomes Nimajneb).  Play clapping and skipping games where you say a chant or a story are fun and active too.

All of these games and activities alert children to words.  This will hold them in good stead for the start of literacy learning.

This is just one easy 'tip' for you to do to get your child ready to read.

There are many more 'school ready' helpful tips on the NSW DET website.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Launching my books for preschoolers

Hello and welcome to my Blog.  

I am excited about being able to communicate with parents and early educators, all over the world, about the joys of early literacy learning.
I have written 5 children’s picture books for 3-5 year olds specifically to help parents get their children ready to read in a fun, stress free and easy way.

They have been written so that parents can teach their children Phonological Awareness skills before they go on to Phonics.  The great news is that Phonological Awareness is all about having fun with language and sounds and words.  It is not drill and practice learning.  It is about genuine language interaction with young children.

We are having a book launch and I am ‘giving birth’ to my ‘babies’ on December 8th. My website will be live then too.  Check it out at www.gettingreadytoread.com

So come and join Carlos the Caterpillar and friends on a journey of discovery about how words and sounds work in English.

Fiona Murray